GSoC 2023: Week 3

This article is a summary of all the changes made on Automated Gentoo System Updater project during week 3 of GSoC. Project is hosted on Github, blog post can be also found on Gentoo Blogs Progress on Week 3 gentoo_update finally received some Github stars! It also has received 2 issues (#7 and #8). In #7 someone suggested to remove from being installed in the PATH, and only expose gentoo-update as entry point....

June 16, 2023 · 3 min

GSoC 2023: Week 2

This article is a summary of all the changes made on Automated Gentoo System Updater project during week 2 of GSoC. Project is hosted on Github Progress on Week 2 This week was all about packaging and testing. The updater is still in its infancy, but it’s much better to package everything nicely right away and not think about this in the future. I kicked things off by bundling all the code into one directory and set it up as a Python module....

June 12, 2023 · 3 min

GSoC 2023: Week 1

This article is a summary of all the changes made on Automated Gentoo System Updater project during week 1 of GSoC. Project is hosted on Github Progress on Week 1 The most basic version of the updater program is ready. By default it only installs security patches from GLSA using glsa-check, but it also allows users to update @world with their custom update flags. Additionally, after an update users can choose to:...

June 4, 2023 · 3 min

GSoC 2023: Application

In this article I want to share my experience in applying to Google Summer of Code 2023 (GSoC). I was lucky enough to get accepted and I hope that this article will help someone in their future applications. Disclaimer: This article is not a guide on how to get accepted, it’s just my journey and my thoughts on the process. The outcome depends on your skills, organization, the project idea, Google and most importantly - luck....

May 23, 2023 · 4 min