Gentoo Package Sets

Gentoo’s package manager Portage has an organizational feature called sets. A set is essentially a named list of packages that you can use to install or update multiple packages at once. There are predefined system sets like @world that contain all packages installed in the system, and it’s also possible to create custom ones, for example for a specific application. This is a very useful feature, because it allows users to easily install uninstall and upgrade packages....

March 19, 2023 · 2 min

Gentoo USE Flags

USE flags that allow users to customize the way packages are built and installed on a system. They are essentially a set of optional features that can be enabled or disabled for each package, depending on the specific needs and preferences. For example, some packages may offer optional support for certain file formats or network protocols. By enabling the appropriate USE flags for these features the package will be built with support for those features....

March 19, 2023 · 1 min

Gentoo: Upgrading the System

Gentoo Linux, being a true meta-distribution, give users maximum flexibility and control over the system. A stark example of this is the OS upgrade process. Users have a large choice of different command utilities and a bunch of configuration option to choose from to tailor the upgrade process to their needs. This guide will attempt to combine and distill the best practices and recommendations from the Gentoo Wiki/Forums and other sources into a single guide....

March 18, 2023 · 4 min

Gentoo: Set up GURU as a local repository

This article is a summary of couple Gentoo Wiki articles that teaches how to get access to Gentoo’s GURU overlay and start creating your own ebuilds or maintain existing ones. Disclaimer: I am not a Gentoo developer, and I just started interacting with Gentoo community and this is what I’ve learned so far. There are probably (definitely) better ways to do this, and I’ll be glad to hear suggestions. Step 1: Request Access This step is not mandatory if the goal is to create ebuilds locally without pushing them to the repository....

March 8, 2023 · 4 min